Disposal of industrial liquids


SecAnim’s industry leading Fluidised Bed Combustion Plant can process up to 1,000 tonnes/ week of   industrial waste liquids.

The plant can be fed with a wide range liquid waste. The list below is a typical representation of waste streams currently being received and processed from UK industries.

Effluent Disposal

Traditionally, effluents are discharged to water authorities with companies having to meet strict discharge consents. Charges are normally based upon the Mogden formula which calculates costs based on COD /BOD content of the effluent. Further, discharge consents can place limits on levels of chemicals present in the effluent, Ammonia for example.

The fluidised Bed combustion plant will process highly contaminated effluents. High levels of COD, BOD and Ammonia are easily dealt with. This has the potentially of reducing effluent disposal costs incurred by traditional disposal methods.

Liquids containing extremely high COD values

Industrial processes can often generate significant quantities of aqueous washings, slightly contaminated with product or processing liquor. Often these have high concentrations of COD or BOD, making them expensive to dispose of through traditional sewage treatment works. SecAnim offers a viable alternative, we are able to receive and process liquids with COD levels > 1,000,000 mg/m3. In addition, we are able to process ABP liquids such as blood which naturally contain high COD values and can be difficult to dispose of

Sludge Disposal alternative to land injection

Sludge Disposal – As it becomes more difficult to get thick, sludge like liquids to land via injection, SecAnim’s Fluidised Bed Combustion Plant offers a viable alternative. We can process thick and thin sludges. The process itself generates green energy from the combustion of biomass fuels.

Industrial Waste Liquids

We have the ability to accept and process a variety of ‘difficult’ to dispose of liquid waste. For example, the Fluidised bed combustion plant can process a range of liquids from detergent wastes to ‘out of spec’ food stuffs, milk is a common waste stream.

Although many waste streams are classified as hazardous, the Fluidised bed combustion plant will also process ‘non-hazardous’ liquids at competitive rates.

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